oha girl's Hockey
OHA SAT Admission Test Centre
The Test Site...
Please note that COVID-19 has necessitated changes in the way that Ontario Hockey Academy can accommodate visitors to our campus. These changes are required to protect our students and staff.
Test site address: 1541 Vincent Massey Drive, Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6
All visitors must access the test centre via the BACK ENTRANCE.
The entrance will be clearly marked on the day of testing and there will be staff on hand to direct you.
Health & Safety...
All test takers must observe physical distancing and remain 6 feet apart at all times.
Screening will be done prior to test takers entering the building. If you are sick, please REMAIN AT HOME. Anyone who is feeling unwell, or is showing any symptoms of being unwell, will not be permitted on campus.
Individuals who do not pass the screening questions will not be permitted to take the exam and will be escorted off campus.
Masks are mandatory and must be worn for the entire test.
The Test...
Breaks will be restricted to be classroom where the test is being taken. Students may stand and stretch behind their desks. Snacks and drinks will be placed under the desk while taking the test.
Bathroom access will be limited.
Electronic devices must be placed in a plastic bag and will be collected by the proctors.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kayla Lascelle at kayla.lascelle@ontariohockeyacademy.com