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Ontario Hockey Academy


returning to campus - 2021-2022

To support a safe return to campus, we ask that all students and family members observe the following requirements:

International Students

International students are asked to contact Kim Lascelle, Admission Director for important information regarding international student returns.


Domestic Students

Domestic students are asked to be mindful of the following changes to the start of the school year:

1. Students are required to book a move-in time for their return to campus.

2. Only one parent or family member will be permitted on campus. (We encourage students to move in without additional family on-site if they are comfortable doing so. Staff will be on hand to support all students with their move.)

3. Returning students and all accompanying parents/family members must present a negative COVID-19 test. The test must be completed within three days of their return date.

4. All students/visitors to the Academy must wear masks, use appropriate hand sanitation and maintain social distancing.



In order to ensure adequate social distancing and a safe transition from community to campus OHA will be limiting access to campus and staggering move-in times. (Each student may be accompanied by one parent or family member) 

If you need to meet with admissions (Kim) or with Academics (Jesse), please book between 9:00 a.m.  to 4:30 p.m. 

Book your move-in with Kim Lascelle:



Please remember to book your shuttle in advance if you will require a pick-up. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Kim Lascelle at 

All have the same expectations for social Responsibility

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We would like to remind our students and families that the current situation with COVID-19 is an evolving one.


We recommend  students, parents, and family members not make plans that cannot be adjusted for travel, vacations, and breaks. The school year may be impacted by provincial or national mandates, and may be subject to change.


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