oha girl's Hockey
financial assistance
support is available
The academy offers a variety of payment plans, as well as financial assistance, to make the school more accessible to deserving students. Students families must successfully complete the application process prior to being considered for aid. The purpose of the aid program is to recognize excellence in a number of different fields and to give deserving students the opportunity of an Ontario education regardless of their families’ financial resources.
Sponsorship and Fundraising
Several Ontario hockey Academy students have found, secured and received sponsorship funds to attend the academy. Resources may include a family member, a close friend, a relative, an organization, a business or all of the above. The majority of individuals that sponsor athletes because of a direct interest in a particular athlete.
Financial Aid/Scholarships
In this case, the Academy funds a portion of a student's annual tuition. In addition to completing and submitting the Ontario Hockey Academy application, prospective students must submit a copy of the past two years academic reports.
These must demonstrate a serious commitment toward academic excellence. Students receiving funding will retain that scholarship as long as they remain in good standing with the school. Financial aid is considered on an individual basis and reviewed annually. Financial aid may be applied for following the initial support year, provided the recipient maintains good academic standing, participates in school life, and meets all other requirements of the school.
Application Process
To apply, students must complete the assistance application. and submit the following:
A completed enrollment application form
Copies of the past two years academic reports. (These must demonstrate a serious commitment toward academic excellence)
A completed aid request form
A completed Parents’ Financial Statement
Completed forms are submitted online to Ontario Hockey Academy admissions for consideration by the Ontario Hockey Aid Committee.
financial ASSISTANCE Committee Decisions
OHA Parents’ financial statements are reviewed by the Financial Assistance Committee. As it is generally not possible to meet all the needs of all the applicants, the Financial Assistance Committee reviews all the criteria very carefully, and aims to distribute awards to the most deserving students.
The school holds all information in the strictest confidence and families are asked to do the same with all awards.
Notice of assistance is made as soon as possible. Current families are considered for aid only if the previous school year fees have been paid in full.
Some Frequently Asked Questions...
Q. What is financial assistance?
A. Financial assistance provides funds to families who need support to meet the tuition expense of an independent school. Funds are provided from interest on the school’s Endowment Fund and from donations. A request for financial aid in no way affects the admissions decision.
Q.Who can apply for financial assistance?
A. Anyone can apply for financial assistance. It is important for applicants to realize that the program is meant to supplement, not to replace the family’s financial commitment. Only students who have been admitted by the Admission Committee can be considered for aid.
Requests regularly exceed the financial assistance budget. However, with the significant sacrifices families are prepared to make for students receiving support, the majority of students accepted are able to attend.
Q. How is financial assistance determined?
A. Financial assistance is determined once the application form is sent in and uses a formula to determine the needs of each family. Consideration of income, expenses, assets and debts, age, size of family and the number of children at tuition paying schools and universities establishes the need. The school’s Financial Assistance Committee then determines an award that may be a bursary or a combination of scholarship and bursary.
Q. How much can we expect to receive?
A. Most awards for families who qualify are between $2,000 and $20,000. In determining the aid awarded, consideration is given to financial need, academic accomplishments and hockey achievements. A few exceptional students receive awards over $20,000, contact admissions for further award information.
Q. Is there a limit to the amount a family can receive?
A. Ontario Hockey Academy believes that every family, regardless of means, should contribute something to the education of their child. Each case is considered individually and therefore aid may differ significantly from one case to the next.
Q. Is the financial aid renewable each year for the same amount?
A. Each year is considered separately and therefore a new application must be completed for the next school year. Changes in financial status may affect the size of the award. Generally, the amount awarded remains the same until graduation, provided the student is in good academic and social standing. Families are considered for assistance only if previous school year fees have been paid in full.
Q. What happens if the parents are divorced or separated?
A. The school requires both parents to submit financial statements. Confidentiality is assured. A contribution from the parent with whom the student does not reside is expected only after all special circumstances, including child support and alimony, have been considered.
Q. What if someone of apparent greater wealth receives aid and you do not?
A. The Financial Assistance Committee reviews a statement of the needs of each family. Full financial disclosure of income and net worth is required, and income tax returns may be requested. Given this careful review, it is unlikely that someone of apparent greater wealth will receive more aid, but as both need and the overall contribution of the student varies, so can awards. The school, and, we hope, the families, take confidentiality very seriously.
10. Where are applications for financial aid available? Is there a deadline?
A. You may view an on-line application. You may also receive specific information when you visit or tour the school. Once we receive your submission, decisions are mailed shortly thereafter.